Friday, February 15, 2008

Oh NO, Not the Beast Day
I'm not sure if you, the reader, feel this way but I am still trying to wrap my head  around why I like that Double video so much. I think that it reminds me of what I thought adults were like as kid -- or at least it passes for something like eighties adult culture. I like the song and the aesthetic of the video--even though I wish I could re-edit it so there weren't so many moments where Felix or Kurt or whoever raises his steely eyes to the camera. But it does tie in, in a really bowdlerized way, with Roeg's Bad Timing. So your project for today is: Create a montage from Bad Timing with "Captain of Her Heart" as the score. 
Speaking of adults, I am reading Edgar Morin's Cinema, or The Imaginary Man. The translator, in her introduction, writes: "Morin wrote of the need to restructure the categories of adolescence and age so that we might try to combine the secrets of adolescence and the secrets of maturity, instead of each chasing away the other in the model of the 'techno-bourgeois' adult. 

This brings me to the next video that I have watched one thousand times. 
Also, this is what I'm doing on Sunday


Blogger j said...

i'm sorta convinced that most of the women in the double video were not that much older than that lecktra girl ... i think that people just had better taste in women in the 80's (models are so bloody ugly now). but yeah, even though i saw that double vid for the first time maybe a year ago (altho the track is an am radio classic) it did evoke the same sort of feeling that i get from watching say, "round and round" or "being boring". it's just that really perfect, gorgeous, elegant, moody aesthetic that doesn't come up so much anymore.

i personally have watched that lecktra video lots and lots because the hideous dancing amuses me ... but i suspect all the 30 year dudes who are into it are into it for different reasons than me.

5:50 PM  
Blogger Nathan said...

Hey! I am 30! And yes, I am totally conflicted about liking the video. I just kind of like the (swedish?) mall clothes and the "choreography" I guess... The dancing is pretty hideous, but they sort of own it.

But "being boring" -- which I had never seen -- is a way better example of the young chasing the old idea.

1:05 PM  
Blogger j said...

i'm guessing she's french as the dance is that tecktonik thing that's big over there.

anyway, i'm 30 too and i've been obsessed with "being boring" since i first saw it at 13. so i guess i've had a lot of time to internalize it. wtf is a "techno bourgeois adult" anyway? it sounds awful.

11:19 PM  
Blogger Nathan said...

I totally wondered what that meant too. The book is from the mid-50s, so probably some character out of a Jacques Tati film? If there is an equivalent now I'm thinking something along these lines...

12:58 AM  
Blogger Nathan said...

little bit gross of a non sequitur tho. oops.

1:02 AM  
Blogger j said...

oh i see ... it's more okay since it's from the mid 50's. i thought it was some sort of 90's douglas coupland-ism.

2:26 PM  

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