Oh shit, where have I been? I guess basically I am on vacation right now (one week break between winter and spring quarters), but technically I have not gone anywhere. Miami threats were made but brokedness intervened -- I'm back where I was in early December, surviving on scraps and the generosity of others.
Let's see, what have I done so far this week?
I went to the doctor--or "nurse practioner" or whatever--for the first time in forever. Tell me this, how many of you would put "12-15 drinks/week" on a questionnaire? I did, and she asked if I felt I had a problem. I scored points later on though, when after listening to my heart she said "You work out." "Nope," I said, "I just take the stairs all the time." "Your heart is like a metronome," she said. Not to toot my own horn...
Other than that, I've just been hanging out at the coffee shop and the library. I'm gonna get back into pinball I think. Tonight I'm going to goth night at Neo. Good times. I get paid next week and I really want some new sneakers....
Yeah, that was me.
goth night? please explain.
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