Hair Dramz

N: Dear Josh, I am sorry that I did not notice your new beard. If you like we can go to that new beard store at the mall this weekend. Xo, Nathan
J: I can barely write you this message because the tears have rusted away my cell phone chassis. But maybe the sun will shine on me today...
N: Just be good, and I will take you to La Bearderie
N: Formerly Beardables.
J: My Dad used to take me there after Sunday brunch. We would spend hours drawing combs through the practice mannequins.
That happened this morning, but guess what else? My correspondent here was recently asked to be in an AllState advertisement. The concept of the ad was a normal* American family portrait being invaded by an unsavory visitor. Being that Josh's look is 1986 tilt-a-whirl operator, he was perfect for the job. We got to see the proofs, but because the ad was the kind that only pops up once in awhile (like when you log out of yahoo mail or your pinkberry account) we never got to see it.
However, there were some people who DID get to see it, and they are not happy.
Let's just say that there's a storm of controversy brewing among a certain interest group with a very large membership, global connections and massive spending power.
*What is "normal" right? Do we even know? I'm having some people over in my dorm room later if you want to come over.
thank you for linking me to a website that I am going to spend the rest of my life looking at
are you in room 230?
I know, sometimes I just leave some random glh guy's profile on the computer screen in the university library. It's like the internet invaded the Saturday Night Live of my brain!
zomg! you and your magical words!
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