- I'm thinking really really strongly about moving out of Hyde Park. Like, seriously. I think I will move out in july. It's really occupying my mind right now, and I think that "spritually" I have already moved out of this awful awful place. I'm going to move to Wicker Park, with Hartnett.
-On the way to school, I saw a license plate that read "BRN ANGL" so I smeared shit all over the windshield.
-The other thing that I've been thinking about for awhile is collecting books and young adult novels from my youth. I just ordered, on abebooks, this book called "It's Like This, Cat." Has anyone read it? It's about a boy and his cat in New York City. I remember it being very nice. I'm also looking to buy more early Gordon Korman* books. I also ordered "Fakes and Forgeries" part of the Usborn Good Detective Guides series. These books, written for kids, actually offer some really useful detective, spy, and forgery methods.

-I'll write something soon about people who pee on each other.
*The fact that Korman wrote "This Can't Be Happening At MacDonald Hall" when he was 13 years old used to obssess me. Not that I was a particularly gifted kid, but it just made everything seem so pointless. I am really happy that he's still floundering in the netherworld of young adult fiction.
I ask this only because I see myself doing this and I wonder about it and I'm sure you've thought about it:
At one point might a pursuit of our childhood interests in adulthood become no longer a productive pathway into the study of contemporary culture and/or no longer an exercise in self-discovery but just a trivial indulgence in nostalgia or perhaps even narcissism?
(also, I just watched Jaws again after many years. Wow!)
I re-read No Coins Please this summer and ultimately it was not as satisfying as when I first read it. This isn't nostalgia or narcissim, its collecting. Arresting objects from their flow into nothingness. I'm really looking forward to re-reading It's Like This Cat though, it was very nice. I know you're just playing dev's advoc, but since when have we ever thought any indulgence was trivial? I mean, once you start thinking that, yr dones for.
and like my sister says, I'm really into detective shit.
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