Thursday, June 26, 2008


I'm in Paris, where they are celebrating, surprise surprise, 400 years of Quebec. They have great sandwiches but hardly any drip coffee. I don't think I've had a real conversation in like 4 days. This afternoon in my hotel room I watched this great euro action movie about a jew who avenges some terrorist attack all around Paris. I haven't even seen the Eiffel Tower yet and they moved the APC store. I was supposed to do archival research, but I went through all the materials in about 3 hours and there wasn't really anything I could use (guess who funded my trip?).  Tomorrow I think I will go to the catacombs, Versailles, or Montmartre. Everyone here is pretty sexy, but they're into kind of stupid stuff  -- like a picture of Shakespeare with a word bubble that says "What's up?" 

Update: Taste of home: Kid Sister's Beeper just came on the Virgin station.

Update II: Followed by Simple Plan. WTF?? What next? Tokyo Police Scene? 


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