What's up? This is me in Niagara Falls.
Went to see M:I III yesters, it was okay. It had a lot of stuff that made the other ones popular (acrobatics, double-crossing, gadgets) but I don't think this JJ Abrams dude is much of an action director. Cruise needs to pick a better "curator" next time. I had fun though, and said "woah" a lot. The new Fast and Furious movie looks pretty rad though -- it features this Japanese style of car racing called "drifting" or something. Lil Bow Wow filled me in on that.
YouTube is great, huh? I have been peeping the HOTTTT new Kelis video "Bossy," the E-40 video for "I Told You Not to Go" also has some cool car tricks, and everyone is bloggified over the Average Homeboy video from the eighties. I'm not gonna post the links cause it just takes me so long, you know how to operate the internet. Let me know what you have been tubing lately too.
I can't wait to move in one month, I know I have been talking about it NONSTOP, but deal with it. I am moving to a LOFT okay? That's different than an apartment in that it is made for CREATIVE people who are ARTISTS. I think this space has some good energy and I'm looking to absorb some it so don't harsh my mellow, k? But f'rel, this place is huge and even has an operational, private movie theatre inside it, I shit you not. It will apparently get super hot in the summer, but I don't really care. I'm going to be living within a walking disance of the blue line, flash taco, american apparel, and the (barf) Fluevog store.
What else?
The week = library, frozen pizza + spinach, will and grace
The wknd = rainbo, beer, ping pong, pinball

This is Graeme and Me at Communist's Daughter. He's wearing the shirt I made him.
PS - My brother got a crapload of Sierra Games!! I can't wait to avoid doing other things to play them! Check out his blog.
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