If you're in a bad mood, I suggest Motorhead. Even if you're in a good mood actually. They're like the Misfits, you don't have to be totally metal or punk or anything to get into them. They have a diverse appeal.
Today, a little thing called "student loans" reared its ugly head again. CIBC epitomizes the corruptions of capitalism, I swear. They make so much money off the backs of people who basically have little to dispense with. I'm not trying to claim that I'm in same ranks of oppression as maquiadoras or whatever, but FUCK!
Xiu Xiu was retarded. I guess some people liked it, but... I had to leave because the people I was with kept on laughing through the really quiet emotional parts.
I don't really have anything to say, I guess. This post isn't the "meatiest."
I just found out that Death From Above 1979 cover La Peste's "Better off Dead" on their new remix album. Such a good song. Jesse (different guy) and I used to have a radio show in St. Catharines and we played it quite a bit. For some reason it's a song that seems like it would have given me nightmares as a kid, or rather I feel like it's the song that DID give me nightmares, like I'd heard it or before (though I never would have heard it). It reminds me of the kind of punk that was something on the news, something dangeous, to do with "bad guys" (all kinds of early 80s tv shows like "Quincy" and "Chips" used punk rockers as bad guys). Not New York or London punk, just total American danger punk. The first time "punk" ever crossed my lips was when I was riding in the car with my mom. I pointed to an alley and said, "Mom, that's where punks hang out."
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