This was the best a google image search on "gay clothing" could come up with.
I spent all of Monday and Tuesday in my room finishing a paper. I left only for food and coffee. It was no big deal, I missed two classes. I'm worried about my "virtual identity" consuming too much of my time. But what the fuck am I supposed to do? I'd rather talk to Tobin or my brother on Skype than anybody here.
Tonight I went downtown to hear a talk about silent fillm sound. I know, it seems ridiculous to anyone who isn't a film historian. (silent films did in fact have sound, mostly in the form of musical accompaniment - and even, for a short time, actors performing lines from behind the screen) The talk was interesting enough, kind of specialized though and didn't have too much of a general kind of appeal re: broader ideas about film and society. I don't mind that. What struck me though was that I don't think anyone found the title "silent film sound" kind of funny. Funny in that if I told an average person that I was going to a lecture on silent film sound it'd be almost the same thing as saying, "Yeah, I'm going to a lecture on prehistoric novels." And then I got that familiar what-am-I-doing-here feeling, where I feel kind of out-of-place but at the same time recognizing that this is the place I chose.
The best part of the night was just being downtown. Chicago is incredible at night, I just wish there was more to do there, or that I had a purpose for being there more often. I almost got run over by a cop on a Segway though!
Xiu Xiu is playing on campus tomorrow night for 3 bucks. I think I'll go.
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