Sorry for the boring photos as of late, it's just that I feel there should be SOMETHING, but I haven't had time to take anything better. I missed a great shot of Comiskey from the El train last night all lit up (it's SOXTOBER here if you weren't aware). This is the Hyde Park Bank building, as seen from the Metra (like GO transit) platform.
It's really hard to get into school work when you're hung over. All I want to do is sit around and watch movies and eat things that have cheese on them. However, important work has to be done in the name of cinema scholarship.
Speaking of important, I do have some thoughts about race that I've been meaning put down, but I haven't really worked them out yet. Soon though, and under the title, Adventures in Whiteness.
Until then I'll leave you with a memory of this summer that somehow just popped into my head: Graeme and I buy some cans of Yankee Jim and head to Trinity Bellwoods park to hang out before AmyL's art show. The sun is going down and it's just super nice and we're watching this couple playing tennis. We're their only audience, but we're laughing and smoking and shooting the shit. The tennis guy is making all these stupid remarks that "athletes" make like "okay, that's how it's done," "Now we're cooking," and "Good girl!" and basically just being a prick and we're just basically openly laughing at them. Then they finish and they're wallking by us and the girl says to me, "Aren't you the guy that reads Walter Benjamin at Robarts all the time?" That was super cool.
the one that got away... you should have grabbed her right there and ran off with her, rescued her from her 'athlete' captor like an 'intellectual-in-shining-armour'
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