Well, I made it back.
Toronto was rad. I have really great New Year's pics, but it'll be centuries before I'm able to post them. I love you all, and I love Toronto.
Someone I met today told me that it is widely held that Hyde Park, as a neighbourhood, makes people suicidal. He also confirmed that UofC students are overly serious, unsociable, and perhaps spoiled. I was glad to hear this because I was worried that, in the words of Mike Hards, I was becoming a Dr. Don't-Like. I don't want to flog a dead horse here, but this proves I am not demented but, in fact, very perceptive. HYDE PARK SUX.
Living in my new apartment, despite the fact that it contains none of my furniture yet, is great. I think I am going to enjoy living alone a lot. Don't take this as a pronouncment about the rest of my life (i.e. I don't want to become a hermit), but not worrying about roommates and what they think or what they don't do enough, or what they do too much, will be great. Parts of the apartment are kind of scuzzy, but for the most part I am happy. Again, pics to follow.
I am planning a housewarming party soon in order to show people here that I am a fun and unique individual. Also, it will be fun to have a party.
There's a war going on you know.
Toronto was rad. I have really great New Year's pics, but it'll be centuries before I'm able to post them. I love you all, and I love Toronto.
Someone I met today told me that it is widely held that Hyde Park, as a neighbourhood, makes people suicidal. He also confirmed that UofC students are overly serious, unsociable, and perhaps spoiled. I was glad to hear this because I was worried that, in the words of Mike Hards, I was becoming a Dr. Don't-Like. I don't want to flog a dead horse here, but this proves I am not demented but, in fact, very perceptive. HYDE PARK SUX.
Living in my new apartment, despite the fact that it contains none of my furniture yet, is great. I think I am going to enjoy living alone a lot. Don't take this as a pronouncment about the rest of my life (i.e. I don't want to become a hermit), but not worrying about roommates and what they think or what they don't do enough, or what they do too much, will be great. Parts of the apartment are kind of scuzzy, but for the most part I am happy. Again, pics to follow.
I am planning a housewarming party soon in order to show people here that I am a fun and unique individual. Also, it will be fun to have a party.
There's a war going on you know.

I think I've only got one cord, but I'll double check.
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