Thursday, December 01, 2005

Yesterday, I saved a lot. I spent only 20 cents! Can you believe it? (It was 10 cent coffee day at the student coffee shop.)

Today's Reciept:

Coffee - 1.85
Lunch at Salonica (Chicken Rice soup and Turkey salad sandwich) - 7.00
Copying - 7.00
Coffee - 1.35
Supper (stir-fry - I got a juice and and egg roll at a five finger discount though) - 4.49
Tea - .50
3 pints Miller Genuine Draft at Jimmy's - 8.25

Total - $30.44

Conclusion: I went over budget sure, but I was rolling over from the day before.

I recorded a thought memo too:

Dec 1, 2pm: "I just walked past a squirrel in a garbage can and it can't get out. I'm going to go back to see if it can get out [I was kind of scared to peek over the edge of the can. I had visions of a squirrel attaching itself to my head and biting my face off.] Oh good, it got out. I was worried that... " [The recording cuts off here. I was going to say that I was worried that I might have to try to call the humane society and try to explain this absurd situation.]

Sorry, this blog is taking a turn for the worst. Reflection and insight are on vacation.



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