Sunday, April 23, 2006

***************FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE **********************

From the Desk of Ms. Veronica McDonnell
Great White Talent Inc.
2177 Richmond St. W. Suite 317

Hello friends,

While purusing the first born of Mr. Stuart Berman and Ms.Tyler Clark Burke this week, please note Mr. Graeme Metcalf is prominently featured in full colour on the bottom right corner of the page immediatly preceeding the employment section. A coincidence? No. As mr.metcalf has recently been retained by Ryerson University, he has participated in this ad campaign free of charge and only because, and as he states, "because the kids man, the fucking kids need to read you know? it's not just all snorting coke and fucking american apparel models. literacy gets you house, models just get you the free coffee."


Thursday, April 20, 2006

I seriously do not know what the F I am doing right now. I'm doing something later, but not right now and somehow I'm having trouble "filling" the time. (And I hate the idea of time-filling, as if time is filled and wasted and all that.) I was pacing around my apartment, turning songs on and off, lying face down in bed, and hanging out the window until I decided that I should go outside because it was nice, and I just got new sunglasses so it might be fun to wear them. I walked to campus and now I'm doing dick shit.

Text messages to my mom:

- What is the best way to cook spinach? thx.
- Did u mail my contacts? thx

I think I'm going to hold off on this whole peeing in mouth thing. I wrote this whole paragraph but it began to seem as if it was just a mask to cover my own anxieties about wanting someone to pee in my mouth. You don't have to believe me, but that is TOTALLY NOT THE CASE. I just wanted to say something about how it was related to "sincerity."

Anyway, back to not knowing what do. UGH. I think I should just give up on it in the short-term and embrace the emptiness of this block of time. Not in a waiting room kind of way, in a meditative kind of way.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Not dead, just busy.

Not dead, just busy.

Coming soon:

- Text messages I would send my Mom
- Promulgation, pontification, proliferation
- What is "hyphy?" Is it like "fun" or something?
- Me to Niagara region / toronto.
- Do I really want to discuss this peeing in people's mouth thing?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

- I'm thinking really really strongly about moving out of Hyde Park. Like, seriously. I think I will move out in july. It's really occupying my mind right now, and I think that "spritually" I have already moved out of this awful awful place. I'm going to move to Wicker Park, with Hartnett.

-On the way to school, I saw a license plate that read "BRN ANGL" so I smeared shit all over the windshield.

-The other thing that I've been thinking about for awhile is collecting books and young adult novels from my youth. I just ordered, on abebooks, this book called "It's Like This, Cat." Has anyone read it? It's about a boy and his cat in New York City. I remember it being very nice. I'm also looking to buy more early Gordon Korman* books. I also ordered "Fakes and Forgeries" part of the Usborn Good Detective Guides series. These books, written for kids, actually offer some really useful detective, spy, and forgery methods.

-I'll write something soon about people who pee on each other.

*The fact that Korman wrote "This Can't Be Happening At MacDonald Hall" when he was 13 years old used to obssess me. Not that I was a particularly gifted kid, but it just made everything seem so pointless. I am really happy that he's still floundering in the netherworld of young adult fiction.