Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Excuse Me, Would You Like Your World Ruled?

This album is pretty high on my want list right now, elusive despite its seeming non-rarity. Along with "Shawty Is A Ten" I jam to this on a daily basis.  

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Year in Pictures

That's my hand, and that's Josh, and in the background is Josh's "chili."

Broing nowhere

Saturday night how we do.

Josh and Joe bottomfeeding classic shrimp cocktail.

I'm not even sure how I was going to use this.

Warming rays of glow

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So You Had a Bad Day: Part 3,345

As part of some sort of karmic punishment for my abandonment of the "independent" coffee shop in favor of starbucks, I slipped on ice, banging my knee on the pavement and throwing guatemala antigua costa rica jamaica all over the place and myself. This happened in front of group of people waiting for the bus, and a possibly mentally handicapped garbage collector guy, who seemed scared -- like he didn't know what to do except to keep on asking me if I was okay. I finally dismissed him and went back to Starbucks to clean up (I know, right? Should I have gone to the mom and pop place instead? Would they have given me a hot towel, refilled my coffee with the non-exploitive brand, then tousled my hair and sent me on my way? 

Speaking of coffee, are you so bold that you must always have the bold coffee from starbucks? First of all, it leaves a weird film on your teeth and tastes like shit, dumbass. Second of all, it does not have more caffeine, do your homework, boldface. Third of all, who's doing the name-calling here, 4,900,576 person to write in their blog about starbucks?

I thought that there might be more bulleted components to this bad day, but actually, no. And actually, my knee felt better by the end of the day. So basically, there is no lesson to be learned here, no moral to be espousalled.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Oh NO, Not the Beast Day
I'm not sure if you, the reader, feel this way but I am still trying to wrap my head  around why I like that Double video so much. I think that it reminds me of what I thought adults were like as kid -- or at least it passes for something like eighties adult culture. I like the song and the aesthetic of the video--even though I wish I could re-edit it so there weren't so many moments where Felix or Kurt or whoever raises his steely eyes to the camera. But it does tie in, in a really bowdlerized way, with Roeg's Bad Timing. So your project for today is: Create a montage from Bad Timing with "Captain of Her Heart" as the score. 
Speaking of adults, I am reading Edgar Morin's Cinema, or The Imaginary Man. The translator, in her introduction, writes: "Morin wrote of the need to restructure the categories of adolescence and age so that we might try to combine the secrets of adolescence and the secrets of maturity, instead of each chasing away the other in the model of the 'techno-bourgeois' adult. 

This brings me to the next video that I have watched one thousand times. 
Also, this is what I'm doing on Sunday

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bad Timing


Sunday, February 03, 2008

Walking on fire, flying through smoke
I'm not sure how many people do this, but because I am OBSESSED with myself, I often read over old posts and am frantically seized with the desire to delete everything because it all sounds and looks so ridiculous. But I don't somehow, because some people who I basically respect have told me that they like it. Soooo, here is the compromise -- I am going to be my own ombudsperson! Or rather, futureme is going to take a shit on pastme. Okay here it goes (follow along):
June 20, 2007 - This one's okay, I guess. You have to stop using people's names all of the time. What if they don't their name pasted all over the place?
November 6, 2007 - First of all, no picture. Couldn't you have at least found a funny mid-90s picture of somebody? Or maybe a hand-drawn diagram? No one aside from a select few who a) cared and b) were paying attention, care about your idiotic sartorial fixations.
January 18, 2008 - YAWN. Who do you think you are, H.L. Mencken? Some sort of "urban scribe" who broadcasts the fact that he frequents hip "divey" bars under the guise of au courant journalistic reportage? Nice try, buddy, but no. 
January 20, 2008 - People always love room pictures, it's true. But you should've taken less blurry pictures and centered the unimaginative caption. 
January 23, 2008 - Who says "underrated" anymore? How about: married people who collect Simpsons dolls and own mutliple dvd sets of entire seasons of televisions shows? The "cool" guy at your work that likes ska-punk? You should've just posted the video clip and left it at that.
January 27, 2008 - This is good, the picture is too blurry though.
January 31, 2008 - Wow, you know about a rejected Justice mix? What are some other cool things you can hypertextmessage me to? Different digital mixes by other groups?

That feels better. In the spirit of humiliation I offer this, for your dissection